Dr. Nishi Pulugurtha is Associate Professor, Department of English, Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College, Kolkata. Her areas of interest are British Romantic literature, Indian writing in English, the diaspora, Shakespeare adaptations in film. Dr. Pulugurtha has published in refereed international and national journals – in the Coleridge Bulletin, The Encylopaedia of Postcolonial Studies (Blackwell Publishing), Shakespeare and Indian Cinemas Local Habitations edited by Poonam Trivedi and Paramita Chakravarti (Routledge, London, 2019), The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism and Religion edited by Jeffrey W. Barbeau (2021) among others. She has a monograph on Derozio and a collection of travel essays, Out in the Open, an edited volume of essays on travel, Across and Beyond (2020) and a volume of poems The Real and The Unreal and Other Poems (2020) and a collection of short stories The Window Sill (2021). She has edited a special issue of Cafe Dissensus on “Epidemics/Pandemics and Literature” (February 2021) and a special feature issue of Muse India on “Shakespeare in Indian Cinema” (July-August 2021).
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